【We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, April 12, 2022From  Los Angeles, CA (April 10, 2022) – On the evening of Friday, April 8, 2022 Hollywood returned to its resplendent glamour and elegance with the 38th Annual L. Ron Hubbard Achievement Awards Gala for Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contests in the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy held at the Taglyan Cultural Complex in Hollywood, CA ( 38th Annual Writers of the Future Gala - Photo courtesy of Author Services, Inc)
        Desmond Astaire from Marquette Heights, IL was named the 2022 Grand Prize Writer Winner and Zaine Lodhi from Lakewood, FL was named the 2022 Illustrator Grand Prize Winner. (2022 Grand Prize Winners, (l to r) Zaine Lodhi and Desmond Astaire - Photo courtesy of Author Services, Inc )

Photo 1 2022 Grand Prize Winners l to r Zaine Lodhi and Desmond Astaire Photo courtesy of Author Services Inc 2
        Desmond Astaire said: “Short story anthologies are such a beautiful piece of speculative fiction culture, and for L. Ron Hubbard’s estate to continue nurturing emerging writers is a truly special gift.  Thanks to all the judges and everyone at Author Services, Inc. and Galaxy Press responsible for anthologies like ‘Writers of the Future’ for facilitating the journey of our imaginations to faraway times and places to the solace and escape of the story.  My intent with this Golden Pen Award is to someday join your ranks and be able to touch minds and influence lives the way you’ve influenced mine in this wondrous venture of written storytelling.”
        Zaine Lodhi said:  “I don’t think I would have made it this far if it hadn’t been for my girlfriend, Haley Burton, whom I’d like to thank.  She would tell me:  ‘You need to get better at managing your time.  Just do it.’  Thank you for encouraging me to stick with it.  It means so much to me.  From now on, every morning, I will continue to do what I do.”

        Joni Labaqui, Director of the Contests for Author Services, Inc. who oversaw the presentations of the Grand Prize Awards, said, “This year the theme for our awards show represents a dichotomy of pre-historical and futuristic worlds.”
        Emily Goodwin, Vice President of Author Services, Inc., served as Event Producer.

        A capacity crowd of 300 people attended the Black-Tie Gala.  Presented by Author Services, Inc. and Galaxy Press, the theme for the two-and-half hour awards show was the merging of pre-historic and futuristic worlds merged by magic.

        John Goodwin, President of Galaxy Press, unveiled Volume 38 of “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future,” with cover artwork entitled, “The Mammoth Leaders,” created by Illustrators of the Future Contest Judge, Bob Eggleton.  Goodwin said, “This book is dedicated to our late Book Editor and Writers of the Future Contest Judge, David Farland, who wrote his last story just prior to his passing, ‘A Word of Power,’ which inspired the cover design.”

        This year’s event, an Invitation Only function, was streamed live via the website, www.writersofthefuture.com, from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. PDT on Friday evening, April 8, 2021.  Goodwin added: “According to United Public Radio Network, this year’s awards show reached over 3.7 million people in 100 countries around the world.”

        Newly named Writer’s Contest Coordinating Judge, Jodi Lynn Nye and Keynote Speaker, Lt. General John F. “J.T.” Thompson (Ret.), announced writer Desmond Astaire as the 2022 the Golden Pen Award winner presenting him a trophy and check for $5,000, for his story, “The Gallows.”

            Coordinating Illustrator Contest Judge Echo Chernik and actress Nancy Cartwright announced illustrator Zaine Lodhi as the 2022 Golden Brush Award winner presenting him a trophy and a check for $5,000.  Zaine Ladhi illustrated writer Azure Arthur’s story, “Agatha’s Monster.”

        The awards show was held in the visually opulent Grand Ballroom of the Taglyan Cultural Complex nestled in the heart of Hollywood.  Catered by Divine Food, the Gala began with tray passed Hors D’oeuvres and Cocktails, followed by a delectable three-course meal.  The Awards Show was followed a Book Signing and Reception in the plush Foyer of the Taglyan.                          
        The Awards Show kicked off with singer Jesse L. Stevenson’s rousing rendition of L. Ron Hubbard’s song, “Men of Reason,” followed by a moving tribute to the late David Farland, a longtime Writer Contest Judge and Book Editor who passed away suddenly this year, and a message from the later legendary Fantasy Artist, Frank Frazetta.

        Gunhild Jacobs, Executive Director of Author Services, Inc. and Event Emcee they introduced Keynote Speaker, John F. “J.T.” Thompson, recently retired U.S, Air Force Lieutenant General and former Commander of the U.S. Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center.
        Lieutenant General Thompson said in his Keynote Address, “Everyone has doubts, everyone gets knocked down, everyone fails…the true measure of success, and perhaps the true nature of your character, is how you get back up!  The mere fact that you’re here, that you’re presenting your work, means you’re representing your character well….You are light, and darkness cannot overcome you!  Congrats to all of you!”
        The 12 Quarterly Winners and One Published Finalist of the 2022 Writer’s Contests who were presented with trophies and cash prizes included:  Mike Jack Stoumbos of Seattle, WA; J.A. Becker of Sydney, Australia; M. Elizabeth Ticknor of Monroe, MI; John Coming of Columbus, OH; Azure Arthur of Dallas, TX; Lazarus Black of Bellingham, WA; Em Dupre of Naples, FL; NV Haskell of Florence, KY; Desmond Astaire of Marquette Heights, IL; Z.T. Bright of North Salt Lake, UT; Michael Panter of Stockholm, Sweden; and Finalist Rebecca E. Treasure of San Antonio, TX.  Brittany Rainsdon of Blackford, IN wasn’t able to be in attendance.
        The 12 Quarterly Winners of the 2022 Illustrator’s Contests who were presented with trophies and cash prizes included:  Natalia Salvador Cabrerizo of Granada, Spain; Jerome Tieh of Baltimore, MD; Arthur Doweyko of Vero Beach, FL; Zaine Lodhi of Lakewood Ranch, FL; Xiaomeng Zhang of San Francisco, CA; Nick Jizba of Omaha, NE; Brett Stump of Bolivar, MO; Annalee Wu of Stevenson, MD; Ari Zaritsky of Buffalo Grove, IL; James Zaccaria of Woburn, MA and Tenzin Rangdol of Silver Spring, MD.  Majid Saberinejad of Marburg, Germany (First Quarter Winner) wasn’t able to be in attendance. ( (l to r) 2022 Quarterly Illustrator Winners Xiaomeng Zhang and Annalee Wu with Xinhua News Agency - Photo by Steve Moyer)

Photo 8 l to r 2022 Quarterly Illustrator Winners Xiaomeng Zhang and Annalee Wu with Xinhua News Agency Photo by Steve Moyer
            Celebrities and VIPS in attendance at the event included:  Nancy Cartwright, Timothy Woodward Jr., Steven L. Sears, Kate Linder, Deborah J. Whitcas, Lee PurcellJade Pettyjohn, Jeff Pomerantz, Winner Twins – Brittany and Brianna, Natalie Burn, Neil KaplanCheyanna Zubas, Jack Andrad, Jim and Tamra Meskimen, Brandon Larkins, Liz Fuller, Massi Furlan, Tyrone DuBose, Chris Levine, Meghan Noone, Rafael Cabrera, Gia Salazar, Carla Mansour, Ernest Pierce, Yuri Brown, William Marquart, Hana Giraldo, Amanda Rea, Ck Bolado, Mahpara Khan, Naomi Achu, Lisa Cole, Isaac Anthony Levi and Barbara Sanchez.                     

        Special Guests in attendance included past contest winners:  Chris Winspear, J.L. George, Michael Gardner, K.D. Julicher, Ryan Cole, Dan Watson, Jeff Weiner, Darci Stone, Eric James Stone, Steve Pantazis, Martin Shoemaker, Michael Talbot and Kary English.

        Contest Writer Judges in attendance includedKevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye, Dr. Nnedi Okorafor, Dean Wesley Smith, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Timothy Thomas “Tim” Powers, Dr. Gregory Benford, Larry Niven, Dr. Robert J. Sawyer, Rebecca Moesta and Todd McCaffrey.  Contest Illustrator Judges in attendance included: Echo Chernik, Tom Wood, Larry Elmore and Dan Dos Santos.

        Other Distinguished Writer Judges who were not able to be in attendance include:  Dr. Doug Beason, Orson Scott Card, David Farland who passed this year (this year’s awards show was in his memory), Eric Flint, Brian Herbert, Nancy Kress, Katherine Kurtz, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Brandon Sanderson, Robert Silverberg. S.M. Stirling and Dr. Sean Williams.
       Other Distinguished Illustrator Judges who were not able to be in attendance include:  Ciruelo. Vincent Di Fate, Diane Dillon, Bob Eggleton, Dr. Laura Freas Beraha, Craig Elliott, Brittany “Bea” Jackson, Val Lakey Lindahn, Stephan Martiniere, Mike Perkins, Sergey Poyarkov, Rob Prior, Irvin Rodriguez, Shaun Tan and Stephen Youll.

About The Contests:
       Following the 1982 release of his internationally acclaimed bestselling Science Fiction novel, “Battlefield Earth,” written in celebration of 50 years as a professional writer, L. Ron Hubbard created the Writers of the Future Contest (www.writersofthefuture.com) in 1983 to provide a means for aspiring writers of speculative fiction to get that much-needed break.  Due to the success of the Writing Contest, the companion Illustrators of the Future Contest was created in 1988.
        The annual Contests draw entrants from around the globe and are free to enter.  Winners retain full rights to their work and each are given cash awards.  Grand Prize Winners receive an additional $5,000. The Contest flies out all winners to Los Angeles for an expense-paid, weeklong workshop given by Contest judges and culminates in a Black Tie Gala Awards event.
        The Writers of the Future Award is the genre’s most prestigious award of its kind and has now become the largest, most successful and demonstrably most influential vehicle for budding creative talent in the world of speculative fiction.  Since its inception, the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contests have produced 38 anthology volumes (with this event) and awarded upwards of $1 million in cash prizes and royalties.  For more information please visit www.writersofthefuture.com and www.galaxypress.com

Source: from Awards Show Media Contact:  Steve Moyer Public Relations @ 818.784.7027; 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。@stevemoyerpr

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