【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, August 9, 2022Nearly a decade ago, California became one of the first states to allow an undocumented immigrant to get a driver’s license, which doubles as a critical piece of ID. ( Image shows Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo mentioned his immigrant upbringing as he voiced support for the ID bill. To his side are Ben Tran of Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Southern California and Jose Madera of the Pasadena Job Center, where the event was being hosted. Image credit :Josie Huang/LAist)

The state says more than 1 million immigrants have since obtained the modified licenses, which let them do everything from opening a bank account and applying for housing and health care to signing up for a library card or ordering cell phone service.

But immigrant advocates say just as many, if not more immigrants, were left out of the process because they can’t or don’t drive — including some older adults, people with disabilities and a disproportionate number of women, who are less likely to have access to a car.

bill before state lawmakers attempts to close the gap by proposing California issue ID cards available to any resident regardless of their legal status, whether they drive or not.

The bill has passed out of the state Assembly and is moving through the Senate. The DMV, which would issue the ID's, estimates that staffing costs would top $12.8 million between 2023 and 2028, which would likely be offset by application fees for the cards.

A coalition of immigrant rights groups including CHIRLA and Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Southern California worked to drum up momentum for the bill at an event outside the Pasadena Job Center on Friday with politicians including its co-author Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-South Los Angeles).

(Source: LAList)

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