Entering Times Square on New Year’s Eve.Gabby Jones for The New York Times (Photo Source: The New York Times)


Either due to the intrinsic biological reasons or higher levels of population immunity, the recent evidence suggests that Omicron really is less severe than earlier versions of the COVID 19. As a matter of fact, in South Africa and England, New York, San Francisco and other parts of the U.S., hospitalization numbers are lower than doctors had feared.

Nevertheless, Omicron will still do terrible damage among the unvaccinated population globally. Many hospitals will face the risk of being overwhelmed in coming weeks.

Even though the current surge begins weakening, it will likely have left a couple of hopeful prospects: (1). Omicron is so contagious that it will have infected a significant number of the population, increasing the amount of Covid immunity, and helping defang the virus. (2). Omicron has also helped Americans refocus on the importance of booster shots and further increasing immunity.

In addition, the world has more powerful weapons to fight Covid than it did only a few weeks ago. Merck and Pfizer have come up two new post-infection treatments that would lower the risk of hospitalization and death. Based on the early research trials, with Pfizer’s treatment, the reduction is by almost 90 percent,

Based on research and what has transpired, Omicron will likely become an endemic disease and a normal part of daily life just like a typical flu. No doubt, vaccination, treatment, and research will remain important to continue to battle Covid.

It is important to understand that endemic disease does not need to dominate life the way a pandemic does. It does not need to cause the social isolation and public-health problems that Covid has over the past two years. If in 2022, the U.S. will reach that point, the next New Year will feel a lot more satisfying than this one. Let’s remain hopeful.

(Compiled from online information)