(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 8, 2022) The Netflix crime documentary "Tinder Hustler" tells how Israeli liar Leviev used the dating app Tinder to deceive women into paying for his luxury life and create a false rich identity. A 67-year-old man in India has also been arrested for multiple fraudulent marriages. (Image Credit: Shutterstock)

The arrest shows that this kind of cheating and cheating of money is happening endlessly all over the world. Bibhu Prakash Swain, 67, is accused of cheating at least 18 women into marrying him and stealing their property, according to AFP.

Indian police told AFP that Swan was arrested earlier this month in Bhubaneswar, India. Swain was supposed to have two more fraudulent weddings in a few weeks.

Police said Swain pretended to be a wealthy 51-year-old doctor on a dating website, targeting women in their 40s with successful careers, including divorcees and widows. Victims include lawyers, paramedics, professors and more across India.

The senior police officer told AFP that Swain's main purpose "was for their money and some sexual pleasure" and that "he was very persuasive".

The police told the "Hindustan Times" that he stored the contact information of "wives" on his mobile phone, named "Teacher's Wife", "Doctor's Wife", "Bangalore Wife", "Delhi Wife", etc., which is convenient for classified management. Swain prey are those unsuspecting women who seek security and love.

A few days after Swain got married, he would borrow money or jewelry from the "wives", saying that he was in urgent need, and then disappeared. Not sure if he has divorced any of his wives.

Swain's first marriage was in 1978, and he moved away after a quarrel with his family. In 2002, he started calling himself a doctor and persuaded another woman to marry him. The New India Express said that Swain was last married in 2020.

The police said that Swain’s self-introduction on LinkedIn was full of typos, but he always claimed to be a doctor or a professor, looking for a wife online.

The fraudulent marriage was exposed because one of the “wives” accidentally discovered that Shi Wan had at least seven "ex-wives" last year, so he informed the women of the truth one by one.

Authorities also accused Swain of defaulting on debts, amounting to about $134,000 (about 3.75 million New Taiwan dollars), and the victims included 13 banks. He was also previously arrested for introducing fake jobs to students.

(Source: United News Network)

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