【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, October 18, 2022Today, the market for hearing aids is set to become significantly more affordable. That’s because devices that previously required a prescription and an expensive custom fitting will now be available over the counter. (Photo credit: Healthline)

Professional-quality hearing aids still aren’t cheap — prices start around $800 — and people with severe hearing loss will still need the help of a specialist. Most people with slight to moderate hearing loss, though, will save hundreds or even thousands of dollars by buying and fitting devices to their needs without the intervention of an audiologist or an otolaryngologist.

And the cost of devices should come down over time as more consumer electronics companies jump into a market previously dominated by medical device makers. That might not happen right away, though — Sony’s new line of hearing aids start with two models priced at about $1,000 and about $1,300.

(Source: Los AngelesTimes)

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