【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, November17, 2022Many people know the telltale symptoms of a Covid infection, but a tiny subset of people also develop less common symptoms like hairy tongue or tingling nerves. Here’s what to do about them. (photo credit: Cow Creek Band of Umpoqua Tribe of Indians)

Hairy tongue
Healthy tongue cells rapidly replace themselves. But if older cells linger and build on top of one another, they form a dark, thick, fuzzy overgrowth, often called hairy tongue. Some people may also feel a burning sensation inside their mouths, said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco.
The affliction is generally temporary. People with hairy tongue can use a tongue scraper or toothbrush to scratch away those tongue cells, and they can make sure to practice good oral hygiene to prevent additional buildup.
Tingling nerves
When people develop the sensation of pins and needles on their skin, it may be because their nerves are inflamed by immune cells that are fighting off infection, Dr. Chin-Hong said. It’s also possible that the virus itself could damage peripheral nerves, like those that go to your hands and feet, another expert said.
For many people, the tingling sensation goes away in a matter of days. If patients are in pain, they should consult their doctors, who may recommend taking Tylenol or Motrin.
Hair loss
Any type of physical or emotional distress can cause your hair to fall out, said Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, a dermatologist at Cleveland Clinic. It’s not totally clear whether it’s the coronavirus infection, or the stress related to it, that leads some people to experience hair loss, she said. But don’t panic: Your hair will come back. “It just needs time,” Dr. Khetarpal said. 

(Source: New York Times)

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