保护地球生态的新思路 – 世界经济论坛提出“循环经济”模式
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月29日 】【编者按】保护地球生态,开发利用新能源已经成了世界各国的共识,也开始改变我们的日常生活。例如电动汽车开始普及就是一个实例,全世界的汽车制造厂都在开发电动车,各国政府出政策扶植,并订出完全替代汽油车的目标。然而,电动车只是减少了碳排放。制造电动车同样需要钢材等材料。电动车的电池需要钴、锂、镍等稀有金属。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月28日 】今年,美国每月有超过400万名工人离职。这一趋势预计不会很快停止,因为许多人认为现在是转行的时候,而其他人则选择创业和零工工作。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月27日 】据《圣地亚哥联合论坛报》报道,苹果以4.45亿美元的价格收购了位于圣地亚哥“牧场景观企业中心”(Rancho Vista...
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月26日 】拜登政府正在考虑免除数千亿美元的学生贷款债务。白宫的声明最快可能在下个月发布。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月25日 】周六,世界卫生组织(WHO)启动了对疫情不断升级的最高警戒级别,宣布猴痘(Monkeypox)为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月24日 】在圣地亚哥郡,与新冠肺炎相关的住院人数仍在上升,但事实证明,今年夏天的这股浪潮与其他激增的情况不同。据当地医院系统的官员说,大多数患者来医院时病情较轻,死亡人数较少。
McDonald’s price rises tell a deeper story
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 29, 2022】McDonald’s UK raises price of cheeseburger for first time in 14 years. Price jumps by fifth to £1.19 with immediate effect and other increases will follow as costs soar. ( McDonald’s Cheeseburger image from McDonald)
When we talk about inflation, it can sound like an uncontrollable, mysterious abstraction....
Who is Anthony Fauci and what does he do?
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 27, 2022】Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States is 81 years old and went to Cornell University to study medicine. The advisor is also a doctor, scientist, and immunologist. He started working at the NIH in 1968 and became the Director of the NIAID in 1984. Since...
CDC stops reporting coronavirus cases on cruise ships
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 27, 2022】In late March this year, the CDC dropped its coronavirus warning for cruises. It had included notices for cruise ships since March 2020, when cruise stopped sailing from U.S. waters for more than a year.
This past Monday, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stopped reporting...
Understanding how the IRS contacts taxpayers; Avoiding scams and how to know it’s really the IRS reaching out
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 27, 2022】As an ongoing effort to enhance our valuable service to We Chinese in America website readers, We Chinese in America website posts English and Chinese versions of “IRS News Release” , “IRS Fact Sheets”, and “tax...
San Diego County Working with LGBTQ Leaders to Prevent Spread of Monkeypox, Vaccinate People at Higher Risk
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 26, 2022】Per County of San Diego Communications Office, as the number of human monkeypox cases increases in the region, the County continues to work with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community to develop messaging, education materials and to administer the limited...
San Diego County and Sheriff’s Department Homeless Outreach Teams Walk the Waterfront Park
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 26, 2022】Per County of San Diego Communications Office, a homeless outreach effort in the Waterfront Park is changing lives through direct, same day assistance. The County’s Department of Homeless Solutions and Equitable Communities teamed up with Sheriff’s deputies, Sheriff’s resource teams...
How Does Monkeypox Spread?
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 26, 2022】CDC is closely tracking cases of monkeypox recently detected in the United States. CDC urges healthcare providers in the U.S. to be alert for patients who have rash illnesses consistent with monkeypox. (Photo credit: Original Newsbreak.com)
Monkeypox spreads in different ways....
Why the BA.5 Omicron Subvariant is More Dangerous?
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 25, 2022】More than 70 percent of adults age 50 and older haven’t received a second COVID-19 booster shot, and if you’re part of the pack, U.S. health officials say now is the time to roll up your sleeve. Cases of COVID-19 are once again on the rise — hospitalizations are double what they were in early May — and a highly...
People without a filing requirement may miss out on a refund if they don’t file a 2021 tax return
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 24, 2022】As an ongoing effort to enhance our valuable service to We Chinese in America website readers, We Chinese in America website posts English and Chinese versions of “IRS News Release” , “IRS Fact Sheets”, and “tax...