【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 27, 2022Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States is 81 years old and went to Cornell University to study medicine. The advisor is also a doctor, scientist, and immunologist. He started working at the NIH in 1968 and became the Director of the NIAID in 1984. Since then, every President has asked him for advice. He works for the Director of the NIH, Francis Collins, who makes less than his own worker. (Photo Credit: NIAID)

Fauci is known as the country’s top expert on infectious diseases. He also gets a full federal pension and social security because of rules that were in place before 1984. Before, Fauci got into a fight with Kansas Senator Roger Marshall when Marshall asked to see Fauci’s financial records. Fauci called Marshall a “moron,” who was the highest-paid federal worker at the time. Marshall told Fauci that the so-called public records were not available and that “our office can’t find them.” Fauci replied, “I don’t know why you’re asking me that. My income and expenses are known to the public and have been for about 37 years. Then, he said under his breath, “What a fool. Jesus.”

No doubt, Dr. Anthony Fauci has a lot of money. But new reports say that when he retires, he will get a pension that is bigger than what President Biden gets paid as a salary. A study found that the first-year pension payment for the White House medical advisor will be $414,000. This is more than the President’s salary of $400,000. Fauci said he would retire at the end of the Biden administration, so the analysis is based on the idea that he will leave his job in January 2025. No doubt, Dr. Anthony Fauci has a lot of money. But new reports say that when he retires, he will get a pension that is bigger than what President Biden gets paid as a salary. A study found that the first-year pension payment for the White House medical advisor will be $414,000. This is more than the President’s salary of $400,000. Fauci said he would retire at the end of the Biden administration, so the analysis is based on the idea that he will leave his job in January 2025. (Photo Credit: NIAID)

(Source: MEDADM)

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