美国【华人】传媒编辑唐钊,2022年五月十四日)Per County of San Diego Communications Office, the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency and its partners are working together to get the word out about CalFresh benefits during the month of May, which is designated as CalFresh Awareness Month. (Image is from San Diego Communications Office)

Numerous scheduled community events will be used to promote the program and provide San Diegans with free screenings and application assistance.

CalFresh is a supplemental nutrition program for families and individuals who meet certain income guidelines. The program is designed to reduce food insecurity and increase food budgets to improve participant’s access to fresh and healthy food.

The need for supplemental nutrition assistance has greatly increased over the last couple of years, in part due to the rising cost of living in the region, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CalFresh plays a critical role in filling that need, with 354,204 people in San Diego County currently receiving the benefit, up 6.8% from a year earlier. Maximum monthly amounts for qualifying households range from $250 for a single person to $835 for a household of four an up to $1,316 for a household of seven.

In addition to attending one of the upcoming events, San Diegans can also apply for CalFresh online at GetCalFresh.org and MyBenefitsCalWIN.org, or by calling 2-1-1 San Diego. For more information about CalFresh, visit the County’s CalFresh page.

(Source: County of San Diego Communications Office)

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