Chinese Parents Unwilling to Let Their Children Return to School Photo

(Photo from World Journal)

Chinese Parents Unwilling to Let Their Children Return to School

As the new semester starts, many Chinese parents are very concerned about the rapid spread of the Omicron variant and the global coronavirus cases are now surging to levels far higher than at any previous point of the pandemic — with an average of nearly 1.5 million new cases every day. Asking about if their children would go back to school, many Chinese parents have stated that they were not willing to send their children back to school.

Mrs. Zhang from Arcadia in Los Angeles County has a four-year old daughter attending a local kindergarten. She said “Before the holidays, I was concerned about my daughter’s safety at school. Now with the rapidly surging coronavirus cases, I am not going to send my daughter back to the kindergarten.”

Mrs. Zhang stated that without being able to interact with the same age children at the kindergarten, no doubt, her daughter’s childhood would be impacted negatively. Six months ago, when the kindergarten opened for operation after its several month-long closure, she was wondering whether she should send her daughter back to school. After seeing other children returning to school with no issues, she decided she would follow suit. However, with rapidly increased coronavirus cases, she changed her mind. Mrs. Zhang said” Even though there is lower probability for young children to get coronavirus, and if they get it, the symptom would not be too severe, there are still children become ill and end up in the hospital. Without knowing if my daughter might get it, I feel more comfortable to keep my daughter at home now.”

Like Mrs. Zhan, many parents worry if it is safe to send their children back to school. Yet, other parents indicated that even though they worry about their children’s safety, they will allow their children to return to school because “we have to face and deal with the reality.”

Emma from Pasadena in Los Angeles County said “My son really looks forward to returning to kindergarten. He loves the kindergarten and enjoys his friends there. I feel bad if I do not allow him to return to school. I sincerely hope that the kindergarten will adhere to health department’s regulations to keep their students from getting coronavirus.”

Before school started, Mr. Wang from Arcadia in Los Angeles County received a notice from the school district indicating that in the next few weeks the school is going to enhance its ability to test COVID 19, and each student will receive a family testing package. In addition to testing their children for coronavirus, the school district also strongly suggests parents not to send their children to school if their children are sick or have any COVID 19 symptoms.

Mr. Wang said” My daughter who attends high school has been vaccinated and she does not need to report daily her health condition at school. My son who is in primary school and has not been vaccinated, and he must fill out a questionnaire daily to self-assess his health condition. The school will review and approve the completed questionnaire before my son is allowed to attend school.”

(Compiled from online informaiton)



Los Angeles County Department of Health Director Barbara Ferrer recently announced that when schools reopen on January 3, 2022, the employees at all the public and private schools must wear masks when they are on duty. Everyone must have their mask on when they are outdoors with a lot of people present. Starting January 3, all the schools must enforce these requirements within two weeks.


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