Experts warn that the surge in Omicron may reach its peak soon. (Screenshot of TV News)

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 9, 2022) When will the current surge in the Omicron variant of COVID-19 end? Everyone is asking this question; temporary COVID-19 testing sites appear in different cities in the Bay Area every day.

Many doctors believe that the activity of the Omicron mutant virus strain is coming to an end. "I think it will reach its peak next week or the following week, and we will get rid of this situation by early February," said Dr. Rosalie Savella, a professor of epidemiology at the University of San Francisco.

Most epidemiologists also agree with Dr. Savella. They have been studying trends in South Africa and Europe. "In London, the infection rate peaked in about 3 weeks, and it seems to be leveling off now. So, it looks like this thing broke out very quickly, but then it dropped very quickly," said Dr. Bob Wachter, dean of School of Medicine of the University of San Francisco.

But the doctors said that the question now to be asked is not whether the next mutant will come, but when it will come. Wachter added that the best case is that they are mutant strains of Omicron, which will make them easier to fight against; the worst case is that they are a brand-new virus strain that is resistant to vaccines.

"We have been paying attention to what is happening all over the world, and we have always maintained our vigilance," Wachter said.

(Source: World Journal)


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