Canada's Chief Health Officer Theresa Tam called on the public to abandon cloth masks, saying that N95 masks can provide better protection. (Associated Press)

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 10, 2022) The Omicron variant virus has caused a new wave of epidemics around the world. Because the virus is more transmissible, Canada's Chief Health Officer Theresa Tam has called on people to abandon cloth masks, saying that N95 masks can provide better protection.

Theresa Tam said, "Even though Omicron is milder than the previous variant virus, its spread is so fast that even if only a small number of people in the hospital are infected, it will overwhelm my medical system." Tam said, "It's time to give up Cloth masks, they won't protect you from Omicron," adding that "medical masks are better at filtering viruses, although even 3-ply surgical masks may not be enough, N95 masks are more suitable".

In addition to Theresa Tam, after the outbreak in the United States has been heating up recently, former White House official Rick Bright also tweeted that officials including chief epidemic prevention expert Anthony Fauci, director of disease control Rochelle Walensky and other officials have changed their minds started wearing an N95 or KN95 mask. Bright urged the public " we should pay attention and emulate them by wearing high-quality N95 or KN95 masks to provide ourselves with the same level of protection as them".

In this regard, Leana Wen, an emergency physician and public health professor at George Washington University, said: "In the face of this airborne contagious variant virus, at least three layers of surgical masks should be worn, but for many people , This disposable mask is not suitable for the face shape, so you can wear an additional layer of cloth mask outside to improve the fit", but still emphasizes that "everyone should really use N95 or KN95 masks."

(Source: World Journal)


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