U.S. residents can pre-order a free COVID-19 home quick test kit starting Jan. 19. (Associated Press)

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 15, 2022) The Biden administration announced on the 14th that starting Wednesday, January 19, U.S. residents can pre-order “Free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests.” Each household can place an order on the official website (COVIDTests.gov) to receive up to four sets of rapid screening kits. Government agencies will also set up a set of phone numbers to serve those without internet access. The White House noted that at-home screening kits ordered generally arrive within 7 to 12 days. This also means that if people place an order on the 19th, they will have to wait until the end of January at the earliest to get the quick screening test kits.

People who book a free home quick-screening test kit must provide their name and email address when placing the order, and then they can track the quick-screening test kit order through the email mailbox. The U.S. Digital Service, which operates the program, says it's ready. In order to facilitate smooth transportation, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is also preparing to deliver rapid screening test kits and plans to hire 7,000 temporary workers to assist in the implementation of the plan. As of January 14, the Biden administration has purchased 1 billion home rapid screening kits and provided them to American residents for free. The White House also plans to start providing high-quality free masks in the next few weeks. The White House also promised on the 12th that it will provide 5 million sets of new coronavirus rapid screening and nucleic acid (PCR) testing kits to K-12 schools nationwide for free each month to ensure the safety of school opening and face-to-face teaching.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)


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