Bourla, President and CEO of Pfizer. (Photo from Reuters)

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 17, 2022) In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro, Pfizer President and Chief Executive Bourla predicted that after two years of the epidemic, people are expected to return to normal life "soon", Bloomberg reported.

"We will soon be able to return to normal life," Borra said in an interview. "We have all the tools at our disposal: tests, very effective vaccines, oral medicines for first-line treatment at home. Prepare to reach our goals this spring.”

Pfizer manufactures vaccines and oral drugs, which have been shown in clinical trials to dramatically reduce hospitalizations and deaths. Bourla also agreed with other executives and scientists, believing that the Omicron variant is less virulent but more infectious, which means that the epidemic may soon enter the "endemic" phase, and countries will learn to coexist with the virus, just like the flu.

However, Bourla warned that this does not mean that the new crown virus will disappear. "We've been through a lot of unexpected things since the outbreak. We're going to probably have to live for years with a virus that's very difficult to eradicate," he said.

(Source: Compiled from online information)


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