Several airlines in the United States have warned that the C-band signal of the 5G network may affect flight safety and cause flight disruptions. (Photo from Euronews)

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 18, 2022) All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines announced on the evening of the 18th that they had cancelled some flights between Japan and the United States due to the possible impact of the 5G signal in the United States. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and several airlines have previously warned that 5G airwaves could cause malfunctions in aircraft instruments and systems.

The Yomiuri Shimbun reported that two airlines flying Boeing 777s on the America Line will cancel flights that cannot be changed to other models. All Nippon Airways pointed out that it learned from Boeing on the 18th that due to the influence of 5G radio waves, the system that controls the posture of the 777 aircraft may malfunction when it is flying at low altitudes.

"Asahi Shimbun" reported that ANA announced on the 18th that with the start of 5G services in the United States, due to Boeing's request to suspend the operation of 777 aircraft, it is currently canceling Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago and other 20 flights connecting with Japan's Haneda and Narita airports, including passenger aircraft and 10 freighter flights each, and about 650 passengers were affected.

According to ANA, U.S. aviation authorities pointed out in December that 5G airwaves could affect the plane's altimeter, and on Jan. 13 revealed the airports that might be affected. Boeing notified all airlines operating its 777s to limit operations because it could affect airframe control as the planes land. Japan Airlines also canceled some flights due to this impact.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)



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