(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 26, 2022) A Riverside burglar sneaked into the house and evaded the alarm system. (Photo from KTLA)

Several burglaries occurred in Riverside, Southern California in December 2021. Surveillance video showed that a thief climbed into the store in a snake burglar posture to avoid the electronic alarm system and successfully evaded the electronic alarm system. In early January 2022, a similar theft happened again in a gold shop in downtown Riverside, causing the operators to complain!

Late last year, several merchants were burgled with thousands of dollars cash and merchandise, KTLA5 reported. Earlier this year, a gold shop in downtown Riverside was once again hit by snake-like thieves. Cesar Meyer, the owner of the gold shop, described the robbery as Taylor in the Hollywood movie "Forrest Gump." He lost his legs in the Vietnam War and, without the aid of a wheelchair, would simply crawl on the ground. By crawling, the burglar took this position.

Moyle said the thief drilled a hole in the wall of an adjoining property, crawled in, and searched for valuables indoors. For five minutes, he stole silverware worth $50,000 and escaped.

He said that although electronic sirens were set up indoors, because of the thief's special way of stealing, the siren detection system did not alert the police, and some businesses in the urban area had encountered similar theft cases.

Riverside police said they are investigating multiple similar burglaries to see if the suspect is the same person. Moyle, the victim business owner, also blamed part of the alarm system.

Moyle said there must be something wrong with the electronic alarm system. If the detection can capture moving objects, theft should be detected in all activities indoors, even lying down and crawling, but the alarm did not alarm.

(Source: World Journal)


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