(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, February 12, 2022) More than 200 dead birds have been found on a street in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in a horrifying scene, but the exact cause of death is unknown. (Photo from NBC News )

British media reported that the scene was discovered by driver Michaela Pritchard at about 8 pm local time on the 10th while driving between the villages of Waterston and Hazelbeach.

Pritchard said the scene, described as a "massacre", was horrific, and she said she didn't want to be there, so she called the local council directly to report.

Others said they heard a loud bang and then several bird carcasses rained down on their cars. Another member of the public also said that before the birds fell from the sky, he heard loud noises and suspected electric shocks, but the sound was not as loud as lightning.

A spokesman for Dragon LNG, a gas company based in the region, said there were no unusual conditions at the plant that day. Other speculations about the birds' deaths include being electrocuted or being chased by predators before they hit the ground.

Pembrokeshire Council later confirmed that about 200 starling carcasses had been removed from the road, but the cause of death was not known.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)


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