(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, February 19, 2022) The crime rate in the wealthy area of New South Wales is low, and there are only 5 cases in 10 years. According to the FBI, there were only five crimes, none of which were murders, among the borough's population of 1,800 between 2010 and 2019; the rate of property-related crimes, such as theft or car theft, also are very low.

Alpine mayor Paul Tomasko gave all the credit to the local police, saying they did deserve the high salaries; according to the 2019 survey, Alpine police officers earned an average of $175,000 a year, the most in NSW ranked seventh.

Alpine mayor Paul Tomasko gave all the credit to the local police, saying they did deserve the high salaries; according to the 2019 survey, Alpine police officers earned an average of $175,000 a year, the most in NSW ranked seventh.

In the eyes of criminologists, however, Alpine’s safe and sound living environment is not due to the high-paid police, but to the income conditions of the residents; Jason William, an assistant professor in the Department of Justice at Montclair State University pointed out that in areas that can afford the high salaries of the police, residents generally live affluent lives and are less likely to justify crime.

Of course, compared with low-wage and high-crime areas, police personnel turnover is very high and often cannot retain talent; Newark Public Safety Director Brian O'Hara uses his own region, for example, is plagued by rampant underworld and high rates of murder and gun crime, a far cry from the conditions in Bergen County.

Salary records for the state's 21,000 local police officers, analyzed by Advance Media, also confirm that officers distributed to wealthy suburbs tend to be paid far more than poorer areas; The county (Salem) is the perfect example, not only are the two areas with the highest crime rate in NSW, but also the lowest police salaries.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)


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