(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, February 21, 2022) The mother gave birth to a daughter after giving birth to 10 sons. (Image/taken from Instagram)

Scottish woman Alexis Brett finally gave birth to daughter Cameron at the age of 39 after giving birth to 10 sons. Brett and her husband David have always longed to have a big family, but they don't care about the sex of their children, and they don't have so many children because they want to have daughters. Brett revealed that when Cameron came home from the hospital, the whole family was very excited, thinking that she was like a princess in the family, with her brother from 4 to 19 years old by her side and always supporting her.

David said the brothers behaved better when they were around Cameron, for example they would "keep quiet so as not to wake her up". The older brother also helps hold Cameron and feed her.

Brett keeps the house tidy with great efficiency, washing clothes 49 times a week, and vacuuming the floor every day without complaining. She once said in an interview after Cameron was born that she did not want to have more children but gave birth to her 11th son in May last year.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)


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