(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, February 23, 2022) Before selling a car, make sure that certain software information has been completely cleared. (Photo from Unsplash/Hannes Egler)

The "connection" function of high-tech vehicles is a lot of convenience, but it has also become a privacy concern. Juan Guevara Torres, a Houston-based vehicle technology expert, taught car sellers how to clear personal information on their cars.

The newer the car, the more electronic functions, so the car, like mobile phones and computers, must prevent personal information from being improperly accessed. Torres pointed out that before selling the car, the personal information should be cleaned up first, so as not to give opportunities to criminals. The garage door opener remote function can be set on the car, and it must be sold. The "pairing" must be lifted before, otherwise buyers can easily enter the garage and enter the house if they have ulterior motives.

In order to answer the phone without touching the mobile phone, there is a bluetooth device on the car, and the mobile phone number that can be connected is stored in the memory. The owner should delete each mobile phone number on the Bluetooth pairing table. Many automakers offer emergency contact functions, where subscribers can be rescued by pressing a single button in the event of an accident. For example, General Motors' OnStar is an example. Before selling a car, they can press that button to tell the receiver to delete their personal information. . If you subscribe to a satellite radio service (satellite radio), it also has some personal information on it, you should cancel the subscription with the service agency, or transfer the service to another car, so as to avoid continuing to pay the monthly fee for the sold car.

There is a lot of information on the vehicle navigation system. For example, your address must be on it, as well as the addresses of relatives and friends' homes and frequented places. Therefore, you should activate this function before selling your car and find the "washing machine". Clear all information" option, and finally make sure that all personal information has been cleared. The removal method is roughly the same for each manufacturer, but there are also some differences. Fortunately, it is very clearly written in the owner's manual. Follow the instructions to achieve the goal.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)


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