(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 7, 2022), died in battle on his birthday on the 3rd at the age of 34. (File photo of Ukrainian soldiers from Associated Press)

Ukrainian "legendary hero" Valeriy Chybineiev, one of Ukraine's youngest commanders and winner of Ukraine's highest national medal of honor "Hero of Ukraine", was killed in a battle in the Kyiv suburb of Hostomel on the 3rd, which happened to be his 34th birthday.

The report pointed out that Shibinev was an orphan. He was born in the southern port city of Berdyansk and grew up with his brother Roman.

He is a paratrooper and commander of the sniper company of the 79th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, one of the youngest commanders in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian state news agency described Shibinev as a "legendary" paratrooper who participated in the war in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and successfully defended the Donetsk airport. In August 2016, he was awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine".

The "Hero of Ukraine" award is the highest honor awarded to citizens by the President of Ukraine in recognition of "individual heroic deeds and great labor achievements". Since the award was established in 1998, a total of 509 people have won the title, including Olympic athletes, scientists, and soldiers.

"The 34-year-old Shibinev is a true hero and the future of our army," Ukrainian veteran Vyacheslav Zaitsev was quoted as saying.

Both the Shibinev brothers are brave and good at fighting, and his younger brother Roman is also a member of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but he unfortunately died in the 2019 battle in the Udon Bass region. According to Wikipedia, the age difference between the two is only one year old. Ukrainian media reported that Roman was only 29 years old when he died in the war in 2019.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)

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