(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 12, 2022) An RC-135 electronic reconnaissance aircraft is seen near Yugoslavia in May 1999 during the bombing of Yugoslavia during a NATO Allied operation. (Photo from Associated Press)

RAF sources said they were able to use Boeing RC-135W "Rivet Joint" electronic surveillance aircraft to try to intercept Russian military communications some hundreds of kilometers away, reporting back to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DI) of the UK Ministry of Defense, in conjunction with other information Speculate on Russian President Vladimir Putin's next move. The U.S. Air Force also has such reconnaissance aircraft. The RC-135W electronic reconnaissance aircraft uses sensors to obtain communications and locate the source of the signal to help map the ground battle. In theory, the team could intercept radio transmissions from troop convoys some hundreds of kilometers away, the sources said. An RAF source added that they could rely on transmitters to collect conversations from farther away. Personnel proficient in Russian intercept the content and relay the latest information back to analysts in London.

Public flight tracking sources show that RC-135W electronic surveillance aircraft have been operating intensively near Ukraine in recent months. An RAF RC-135W electronic reconnaissance plane flew over Poland on the 11th.

An RAF source said the U.S. side also uses the reconnaissance plane and considers the RC-135W electronic reconnaissance plane to be the "jewel in the crown" when it comes to gathering intelligence. "Assets like the RC-135W electronic surveillance aircraft are just one of many assets in intelligence gathering," the source said.

A team of British Ministry of Defense military information officers will be responsible for analyzing all the data collected by the RC-135W electronic reconnaissance aircraft, and they will check the Russian military plan around the clock. The team has sensitive commercial satellite data, is also able to intercept communications, and is backed by artificial intelligence, operating in "crisis" mode 24/7.

The Defense Intelligence Agency is a rarely mentioned department, with a staff of 5,000, of which two-thirds are military personnel and one-third are civilians. The expert group includes linguists, folk scientists, psychologists, geographers, and data specialists.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)

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