(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 13, 2022) The mayor and the newly appointed Board of Education members are at the inauguration ceremony. Lisa Weissman-Ward (from left), Lainie Motamedi, Mayor Breed, and Ann Hsu. (Photography from The World News Network)

On the morning of the 11th, San Francisco Mayor London Breed held the swearing-in ceremony of three new school board members at Galileo High School, where she studied. Chinese American entrepreneur Ann Hsu, government policy analyst Lainie Motamedi, and immigrant rights law professor Lisa Weissman-Ward have been appointed to the new Jinshan School District Board of Education to fill the vacancy of the Board of Education. The three former members were dismissed on February 15. The newly appointed Board members are all parents of public-school students. Xu An was one of the leaders of the recall action.

Xu An said that she was honored to be appointed as the Board member and looked forward to working with other colleagues to tackle two challenges, one is to solve the school district's $125 million budget deficit, and the other is to select a new superintendent because the current superintendent is about to retire. One of the key reasons for the success of the recall election was that the former School Board tried to cancel the merit-based admissions system at Lowell High School and forced the admission by lottery. Xu An said the merit-based admissions method should be reinstated. What the district needs to do is to prepare more children from underserved communities.

"The three new boards were created from the parents of the students because we wanted to make sure that the children were always put first, not for promotion or any kind of political gain," Breed said. The three new board members are strong, capable women "who I believe will do the best for our children, our educators and the school district."

The appointment could have a major impact on the San Francisco Unified School District in the coming months. The three new Boards of Education members will work together to determine Lowell's future enrollment, interview the new superintendent, and address issues such as fiscal deficits. The district is also grappling with declining enrollment, as well as the impact of the pandemic on instruction and mental health.

The three newly appointed education committees will complete the remaining terms of the dismissed board members. The term ends in early January 2023. If they want to stay in office, they must stand in elections in November this year.

(Source: World Journal Network)

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