【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, May 9, 2022In mid-April, this year, one of the newspaper headlines was “ North Korea's 'national treasure' TV anchor 'wept all night' after Kim Jong-un gave her luxury home.”(Ri Chun Hi's Photo from Korean News Agency)

05 09Korean National Anchor Japan Times

(Photo from Japan News Agency)

So who is Ri Chun Hi, North Korea “national treasure “ TV anchor? The 79-year-old joined state TV in the early 1970s when the country was still governed by Kim Il Sung, and she has gradually become the face and voice of the country’s propaganda-driven news broadcasts.( Ri Chun Hi joined state TV in the early 1970s.Credit: Korean Central Television)

Her close ties to Kim were shown last year at a government foundation anniversary ceremony when she watched from an elevated veranda right next to Kim, and at one point put her hand on his shoulder and whispered to him.

At another event, she was the first person to shake Kim's hand before holding his arm and posing for a group photo.

Moon, the analyst, said Ri receives Cabinet member-level treatment at home, appears healthy and is expected to continue to handle key televised announcements for at least the next few years.

Ri's passionate, effusive style has sometimes generated laughter in other countries. In 2011, a Taiwanese TV station apologized after one of its newsreaders mimicked the tone Ri used when she announced the death of Kim’s father, Kim Jong Il.

Since inheriting power upon his father's death, Kim has led North Korea with absolute authority.

But he is facing one of the toughest moments of his rule after the coronavirus pandemic shocked an economy already in dire shape from mismanagement and US-led sanctions.

(Source: itv NEWS)

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