【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, May 19, 2022】 53-year-old American woman Ann Joelyn Burke and her husband Richard have used cruise ships as their retirement home since May 2021. The two couples will switch to cruise ships. The average cost per night is $88. It's only $32,120 a year, which is cheaper than paying a mortgage before. (Cruise image from CNN)

They currently have no plans to return to settle on land. Media website Upworthy reported that the Burkes originally lived in Seattle, where the average house price in the western American city was $958,027, and the annual mortgage payment was about $50,000, which was much higher than the cost of taking a cruise. Plus, you don't need to buy food when you're on a cruise ship.

The couple said they were able to realize their dream of early retirement because they "have been frugal and invested all their lives" and they "don't value material things, but experience."

Travel-loving Ann Joelyn said cruises take the stress out of traveling, "without the hassle of booking hotels, restaurants and transportation, a leisurely parade, and within a budget." The two traveled light, with only two suitcases, and if you needed anything, buy it on the boat or at the next port.

Since leaving the United States in retirement, the Burkes have taken a 50-day trip to the Adriatic Sea and a 51-day trip from Seattle to Sydney, Australia. They love to take boats to Italy, Canada, Iceland, but their favorite is Singapore.

(Source: World News Network)

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