【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, June 2, 2022Per County of San Diego Communications Office, an estimated 250,000 registered voters in the southern part of San Diego County will have two State Assembly contests on their ballot for the June 7 Gubernatorial Primary Election. (Photo credit: County of San Diego Communications Office)

The ballot shows two contests. One is to fill a vacancy in the 80th Assembly District for the remainder of the current term ending Dec. 5. The other is a primary for an Assembly District to fill the new term beginning Dec. 5.

A special primary election was held April 5 to fill the vacancy in the 80th Assembly District, but none of the candidates received more than half the votes to win the seat. The top two vote getters in the April 5 primary are now on the June 7 ballot for a special runoff election to fill the vacancy.

Only those who live in the 80th Assembly District under the 2011 district boundaries can vote to fill the vacancy because the term was started under those boundaries.

District boundaries were changed by the 2020 Census. Some of the voters may now reside in a different State Assembly District. Those remaining in the 80th District can vote in the vacancy runoff and the primary for the 80th District. Those who changed districts can vote for the 80th District vacancy and the primary for their new district.

Voters can look up their new 2021 districts at sdvote.com.

Learn more about voting in the June Primary Election at sdvote.com, call (858) 565-5800 or toll free at (800) 696-0136.

(Source: County of San Diego Communications Office)

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