【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, June 13, 2022Because Trump continues to embrace election conspiracy theories, his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Kushner, who have been Trump's right-hand man for many years, choose to cut low-key and gradually leave Trump's side. (Getty Images)

A new book that will soon be released reveals that Trump's eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, do not believe the former president's claim that his election victory was stolen. Kushner quietly faded out of the White House during the countdown to leaving office.

New York Times reporter Peter Baker and New Yorker reporter Susan Glasser co-authored a new book, "The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021." pointed out that in the last days of 2020, Kushner was highly interested in Florida real estate and peace in the Middle East, but during this period Kushner was skeptical of various claims that Trump insisted on winning the election.

Both Kushner and Ivanka were senior White House advisers, wield enormous influence in the Trump White House and are also seen as helping to soothe Trump.

However, during the critical period that Trump's term is ending, just as Trump tried to overturn the election results, Kushner almost disappeared from the White House; on January 6, 2021, the day the pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol, Kushner was in Overseas business trip.

On November 5, 2020, less than 24 hours after Trump spoke about the election, Kushner said to Ivanka, "Let's move to Florida," according to the new book The Separatist. A few weeks later, Kushner and his wife bought a $32 million mansion in Miami.

The book quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that whenever there was bad news to be reported to Trump, Kushner often used the "at least two good news and one bad news" model to convey it to Trump in a meeting or by phone, but Regarding Trump's unacceptable defeat, Kushner chose to withdraw from Washington, and no longer sugar-coated bad news to Trump.

According to the book, Kushner believed that the involvement of Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in overturning the election results was very suspicious, but Kushner did not fight Giuliani to win Trump's attention but decided to withdraw. Focus on the pursuit of personal wealth.

The new book cites close friends of the Kushner saying that neither Kushner nor Ivanka believed Trump’s election was plagiarized from start to finish.

Kushner completed a 40,000-word draft of his memoir in the two weeks after the 2020 election, and after the 2020 election he took part in a "Masterclass" in writing skills taught by best-selling author James Patterson. Paterson co-wrote novels with former President Bill Clinton.

The House Oversight and Reform Committee is investigating Kushner's career dealings after he left the White House. Affinity Partners, which Kushner opened, received a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia.

(Source: World News Network)

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