【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, June 24, 2022Summer is here. May people would spend lots of time on the beaches to enjoy the breeze and beautiful sunshine. Would you be curious to find out if your favorite California beach is one of the direst beaches? Per Soumya Karlamangla from New York Times, the latest safety scorecard for California’s 400-something beaches has been released. (Dirt Beach Image form 123RF)

Luke Ginger, water quality scientist with Heal the Bay, said that the annual reports were intended to warn the public about dirty water, but also to push policymakers to address issues affecting California’s coast. Some beaches repeatedly rank worst in the state because of structural issues — for example, bacteria easily builds up in coves with little water circulation or run-off is frequently contaminated.

Several disasters also polluted the state’s beaches last year, including an oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach and a wastewater treatment plant that spewed 17 million gallons of raw sewage into the waters off Los Angeles County. “All of these spills had to do with failure of infrastructure,” Ginger told me.

So, how worried should you be when planning your next beach day? Where should you maybe think twice before heading into the water?

(Source: New York Times)

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