【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, June 27, 2022The Roe vs. Wade case, which has existed for nearly half a century to protect women's abortion rights, was finally overturned by the Supreme Court with a majority of conservative justices on the 24th. It is the fourth consecutive case in American politics since 2016. caused by a major turning point.( Image credit: NBC News)

  1. McConnell blocks Obama's nomination

The death of staunchly anti-abortion conservative Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016 appeared to end conservatives' hopes of overturning Roe's case; President Barack Obama's nomination of the justices will be held for hearings and votes. McConnell announced "The American people have a say in the selection of justices, so the seat of justices cannot be filled until a new president is elected."

A month later, President Obama's nomination of Judge Merrick Garland was praised by Senate Republicans, but McConnell refused to hold a nomination hearing, leading to Scalia's replacement in 2016. President Trump's nomination.

  1. Trump nominates conservative candidates after being elected president

Trump was elected president in 2016, and nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill Sculley shortly after taking office to support overturning Roe v. Wade as part of his campaign promise.

  1. Centrist Justice Kennedy retires

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the Republican presidential nominee who announced his retirement at age 81, voted for Roe v. Wade.

Kennedy has a dilemma about abortion. As a Catholic, he believes abortion is immoral, but believes that the Constitution protects individual liberties and that people have the right to make choices about their lives.

But Kennedy's retirement paved the way for Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as his replacement, whose Senate hearing narrowly passed 50-48 to a key vote of Susan Collins ), the senator said, Kavanaugh privately assured her that the Roe case was a foregone conclusion, making her feel he would not overturn previous precedent.

  1. Liberal Justice Ginsburg dies

Liberal Justice Ruth Ginsburg left on September 18, 2020, after years of battling cancer, just six weeks before the presidential election. Some states had begun early voting, but Senate Majority Leader Mike Connor abandoned his earlier position, arguing that Trump should immediately nominate Ginsburg's replacement. Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided by Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, who believes abortion is immoral.

(Source: World News Network)

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