(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 24, 2022) The Oakland robber broke into the Chinese restaurant in broad daylight and robbed at gunpoint. An 80-year-old rice noodle shop owner calmly confronted the robbers (Photos from World Journal)

 01 24 Take the Money Photo

Oakland Chinatown's recent security situation has been ups and downs. A rice noodle shop on 10th Street in Chinatown was robbed at 11:32 a.m. on the 21st.

The 80-year-old proprietor, Mr. Hou and the clerk Shirley told the reporter that the robber covered their heads and masks, came in with guns to ask for money, and their hands were shaking all the time. The situation was very dangerous. Mr. Hou was very calm at the time. He told the robber that he could take the money and put down his gun. The robbers took more than $300 and fled. Mr. Hou immediately called the police. The Chinatown Security Team of the Taishan Association also rushed to the scene to assist in the investigation after learning about it.

Oakland police are currently investigating. Mr. Hou hopes that the police will arrest the suspects, punish them according to law, and not release them quickly and endanger the community.

(Source: World Journal)


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