(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 24, 2022) The 9-year-old boy sighed that the snow shovel was "tired”, and the interview video unexpectedly became popular. (Photo taken from CTVnews). Carter Trozzolo, a 9-year-old boy in Toronto, Canada, shovels snow outside with a shovel after the local snowstorm on the 17th. When he was interviewed, he reluctantly said that he was very tired of shoveling snow, and the real reaction made netizens empathize with it, attracting more than 3.2 million views.

News footage captured Carter struggling to shovel snow. During an interview, he sighed and said, "I wish I was at school now. So tired, shoveling snow all day for neighbors, friends, or people I don't even know."

The TV station humorously wrote "exhausted" under Carter's signature. Now use Google to search Carter's full English name, and the word "tired" will automatically appear after it.

Carter's popular interview video also aroused the concern of the Toronto Department of Education, who shouted to Carter on the social platform: "Carter, we can't wait to welcome you to school, thank you for helping your neighbors, friends, or even people you don't know. At the end of the article, the school attached Carter's signature "sigh".

Carter, on the other hand, felt incredible about his popularity, and said in surprise: "Even Australia on the other side of the world has seen my videos!" Now when passers-by recognize him, he will jokingly reply to the other party: "Yes, it's me, I still am very tired."

(Source: United News Network)


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