(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 25, 2022) The Supreme Court accepts a case of discrimination against Asian-American students in admissions applications. The picture shows Harvard University, which is accused of using ethnicity as a decision on admissions. (Photo from Associated Press)

The admissions process of Harvard University, a prestigious private Ivy League school, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a public university, considers whether the ethnic background of students constitutes discrimination and is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court agreed to accept the lawsuit on the 24th; The New York Times Analysis, if the conservative justices in the majority decide to limit or prohibit the admissions process based on Affirmative Action, the number of African-American and Latino students in the university departments and research institutes of almost all popular universities will decrease in the future. Asian-American and white students will have a higher chance of admission.

The New York Times pointed out that according to the practice of the Supreme Court, after agreeing to accept the case on the 24th, the oral debate will be scheduled for the next trial period starting in October this year; as for the verdict, it will not be released until the spring or summer of 2023 at the earliest.

After decades of implementing affirmative action on American college campuses, it has faced legal challenges several times in recent years but has survived the most recent one in 2016; but in just a few years, conservative justices have become a majority, and their position The apparently conservative Supreme Court is likely to be skeptical of using ethnic background as an admissions metric.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)



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