(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, February 3, 2022) In the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Yao Ming once again served as the torchbearer. (Photo from Xinhua News Agency)

The launching ceremony of the torch relay of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held in Beijing on the 2nd. Vice Premier Han Zheng lit the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics torch and handed it over to Luo Zhihuan, the first torchbearer and China's first world speed skating champion.

At about 9:16, Han Zheng announced: The torch relay of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics begins! Immediately, applause and cheers erupted one after another, and the Olympic Forest Park was boiling. With the song "Towards the Future Together", the torchbearer held the torch high, showed it to the audience and started to pass the torch.

A total of 135 torchbearers carried out a 10.6-kilometer torch relay in the Olympic Forest Park that day. Among them, Yao Ming, chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, as the 19th torchbearer, lit the torch in the hands of the 20th torchbearer, the Greek Ambassador to China George Iliopoulos.

The 41-year-old Yao Ming served as the torchbearer for the 2004 Athens Olympics and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In addition to this Winter Olympics, Yao Ming has passed the torch for the third time.

(Source: Compiled from Online Information)


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