Per New York Times, Shinzo Abe’s Party Triumphs in Parliamentary Vote, Extending Legacy.   The Liberal Democrats and their partners gained enough seats to form a supermajority. They can now amend the country’s pacifist Constitution. (Credit...Kimimasa Mayama/EPA, via Shutterstock)

Two days after Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe was gunned down at a campaign stop on Friday, his Liberal Democratic Party and its allies swept to victory in a parliamentary election that gave them a chance to pursue Mr. Abe’s long-held ambition of revising Japan’s pacifist Constitution.

It was the clearest sign that Mr. Abe, Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, remained a guiding political force. Even before his death, he was no longer leader of the country or its governing party, but his legacy shaped voters’ choices at the ballot box and his party’s vision for the future.

(Source: New York Times)

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