【《We Chinese in AmericaMedia Editor Tang Zhao, July 15, 2022From the federal epidemic prevention general Fauci (Anthony Fauci) to San Francisco Mayor London Breed, these public figures have insisted on continuing to work remotely after the COVID19 diagnosis. Of course, their statements are on the one hand to give the people confidence, and on the other hand to show their determination to be responsible. But medical experts are strongly opposed, because everyone mistaken the COVID-19 as "catch a cold", thinking that they can continue to work with willpower, but in fact, the COVID- 19 is an acute infectious disease, if you don't give your body time to rest, it will evolve in the future Grow Covid-19, or leave behind other bane. (Photo from Getty Imaages)

Statistics from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 10% of people still work sick after contracting Covid-19, partly because of financial pressures, and one day off work would make it harder to make ends meet, and partly because of requests from supervisors. Hope they will show their fighting spirit even if they are sick. But multiple experts interviewed by the Los Angeles Times said that was definitely a misconception.

Susan Cheng, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Caitlin McAuley, a family medicine specialist at Keck Medicine of USC, and David Putrino, a rehabilitation specialist at Mount Sinai Health System, all emphasized in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that the COVID - 19 is an acute infectious disease. It's not a normal "catch a cold", not to mention that even if you catch a cold, you should rest well. Forcing yourself to use 80% of your energy to continue working will only make your physical and mental condition worse and worse.

(Source: World News Network)

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