【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月25日 】圣地亚哥燃气电力公司(SDG&E)周四宣布,由于一项旨在应对气候变化的州计划,圣地亚哥居民客户将在即将到来的账单上获得减免。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月24日 】加州政府和立法机构最近都纷纷提出帮助解决加州居民因汽油价格上涨的困难。先是共和党议员提议暂停收每加仑0.51美元的汽油税半年,此提案未能在众议院通过。上周,一些民主党议员提出给每位加州的纳税人400美元的退税,无论是否拥有汽车。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月23日 】【编者按】自新冠肺炎爆发以来,从记录看,非洲地区的新冠肺炎死亡率较低,这引起了科学家们的研究兴趣。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月22日 】Omicron的一个亚变体BA.2正在导致整个欧洲出现新一轮的Covid-19感染。英国、德国、荷兰和其他国家的病例正在上升,由这种非常具有传染性的冠状病毒菌株驱动。
中午音乐会:罗马尼亚小提琴家Cristian Fatu, 中国钢琴家余丹
3月23号, 周三中午12点钟,罗马尼亚小提琴家 Cristian Fatu 会与中国钢琴家余丹一起,在 Encinitas Library,为大家奉献一场精彩的音乐演出。 他们甄选了著名作曲家...
聖地牙哥北郡中文學校於週六(三月十九日)在Black Mountain Middle School 的小禮堂舉辦詩詞朗誦比賽,這是兩年以來第一場在現場舉行的比 賽。三十名參賽學生,按照年齡分為高級組、中級組、初級組、幼稚組、雙語A...
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月21日 】中国东方航空公司一架波音737-800客机星期一(3月21日)下午在广西梧州上空失事坠毁。失事飞机上一共载有132人,其中乘客123人,机组9人。由于飞机两分钟内从8000米高空坠落并引起山火,机上旅客和机组人员恐无望生还。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月20日 】今天(周日)凌晨,圣地亚哥地区下来一场暴雨,引发了一起车祸。一辆带有拖车的亚马逊卡车在下雨的805号州际公路上发生翻车事故,货物包裹散落在车道上,交通中断数小时。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月20日 】这是一起救援者开枪打死被自己救起的落水者的罕见事件。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年3月19日 】申请或续签加州驾驶执照,又不愿意在车管所长时间等待?好消息来了,加州车辆管理所(DMV)现在为大家提供了一个新的选择:他们可以在家里参加驾照知识考试。 ...
China Survey: Most of the Wealthy Chinese Want Their Children Who Study Abroad to Return to China to Start a Career
【We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 25, 2022】 The report notes that wealthy Chinese families still value Western education, but most want their children to return to China after completing their overseas studies. (Photo from China News Weekly)
Hurun Research Institute and Qingmiao Education Group recently jointly released the "2021...
Georgia Finally Approved the Sale of Water Spinach (Kong Xin Cai)
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 24, 2022) Following a decade of petitions by the late Yuan Ai Recreation Center chairman Alfred Yin and City Farmer's Market Vietnamese director Ben Vo, the Georgia Department of Agriculture announced last week that starting today, with a permit, Water spinach (aka Ipomoea wateraca) could be legally sold in Georgia. (Photo from website)
San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 3-23-2022
【We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 23, 2022】
Here is this week’s COVID-19 update from the County Health and Human Services Agency with data through March 22, 2022.
Vaccination Progress:
Received at least one shot: Close to 2.95 million or 93.7% of San Diegans age 5 and older are at least partially vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated: More than...
Increasing Influenza Cases Being Reported in San Diego
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 23, 2022) The County Health and Human Services Agency is reporting 96 lab-confirmed influenza cases in the region for the week, up from 60 the previous week.
This season’s total now stands at 1,818 flu cases, compared to 733 infections identified at the same time last year. In comparison, the prior five-year average was 10,651...
Danger and Legal Implications When Open a Joint Account with Your Children
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 23, 2022) If parents and children open an account together, once the child withdraws more than 15,000 yuan, that is, the tax-free upper limit of the gift amount (2021), the parents are responsible for filling out the form to declare. Ms. Kim, who works at a mainstream bank, said she was not aware of the rule. However, the accountant pointed...
Board Appoints Interim Sheriff
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 22, 2022) The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously appointed Anthony Ray as interim sheriff on Tuesday. He will step into the top leadership role through January 2023 when the winner of this year’s election for sheriff takes office.( Interim Sheriff Anthony Ray Photo from County of San Diego Communications Office)
Ray will...
Tax Time Guide: Electronic tax payment and agreement options available to taxpayers who owe
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 22, 2022) As a continuous effort to enhance our valuable service to We Chinese in America website readers, We Chinese in America website posts English and Chinese versions of “IRS News Release” and “IRS Fact Sheets” directly received from IRS Media Relations Office in Washington, D.C.. We are pleased to take on this important...
Escaping from the China Eastern Airlines Crash….
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 22, 2022) After China Eastern Airlines crashed, at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, people lined up in a long line to withdraw and change their tickets. (Photo taken from Nanfang Daily)
A Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines lost contact and crashed over Wuzhou, Guangxi, while flying from Kunming to Guangzhou on the 21st. [The Boeing 737-800...
Too Crazy - Wall Street Recruits College Graduates with a Starting Salary of $100,000
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 21, 2022) According to media reports, technology and financial consulting companies are rushing for talents; college graduates from related departments have an annual starting salary of $100,000. The picture shows the trademarks of financial institutions such as Citibank, JP Morgan, and Wells Fargo. (Photo from Reuters)
This year's college...
Register to Vote by March 21 for the 80th Assembly District Election
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 20, 2022) From County of San Diego Communications Office :If you live in the 80th Assembly District and want to vote in the April 5 Special Primary Election, you must register by Monday, March 21 to receive a ballot in the mail. Otherwise, you will need to make a trip in person to the Registrar’s office in...
This Is the Real Safe Haven for Russian Rich People to Hide Their Assets
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, March 19, 2022) Yachts moored in various ports by the rich Russians will be seized, but artworks temporarily stored in free ports are expected to escape. (Photo from Bloomberg)
At a time when countries around the world are trying to seize and freeze the assets of Russian oligarchs, the "free port" (free port) duty-free storage that these rich people...