【华人传媒记者许陆一报道】2022年7月2日晚6时30分,兴坚舞蹈学校在圣地亚哥加州艺术中心(California Center for the Arts, Escondido)举办了精彩万分的文艺演出。兴坚舞蹈学校自2002年成立以来,为学生提供全面多元的专业舞蹈训练,让孩子们从小接触舞蹈,接受艺术启蒙和中国文化的薰陶,塑造优雅的体态,培养高尚的情操和互助互爱的团队精神,并将中国的传统文化艺术在海外发扬。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月7日 】 在通货膨胀的大潮中,我们对各类商品的涨价已经习以为常了。Costco (在中国称为“好市多”)这个会员制的仓储式商店一向为会员提供价平物美的商品,在通胀大潮中也难以独善其身。人们发现,Costco的家具用品,电子产品,衣服,食品等商品也开始涨价了。就食品而言,仅5月份就有至少5种食品涨价,包括12个牛角面包、12支松饼、40支Kirkland瓶装水和牛排等。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月6日 】【编者按】昨天(星期二),美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的网站上发表了一篇新闻稿:《美国国立卫生研究院的小型研究揭示了COVID-19引发的免疫反应如何可能损害大脑》。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月5日 】我们在中小学时都学过数学。长大后,大多数不从事数学物理等研究,或工程等行业的人逐渐淡忘了数学,认为在日常生活中不需要数学。然而,上星期,一名推特的用户在推特上讲了一个他在餐馆吃披萨时如何应用数学“维权”的故事。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月4日 】昨天(星期日)下午,在加州萨克拉门托县布兰南岛州立休闲区(Brannan Island State Recreation Area)发生一起孩子落水事件。事发地点在萨克拉门托河(Sacramento...
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月3日 】昨天(周六)下午,圣地亚哥的Scripps仁爱医院发生枪击事件。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月2日 】加利福尼亚州将成为第一个保证为所有非法居住在该州的低收入移民提供免费医疗的州,此举将为额外的76.4万人提供保险,最终费用约为每年27亿美元。
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年7月1日 】美国传染病专家安东尼-福奇(Anthony Fauci)今天对媒体说,尽管疫苗很有效,但实现对新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)的经典群体免疫是...
Companies who promise to eliminate tax debt sometimes leave taxpayers high and dry
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 8, 2022】As an ongoing effort to enhance our valuable service to We Chinese in America website readers, We Chinese in America website posts English and Chinese versions of “IRS News Release” , “IRS Fact Sheets”, and “tax tips” directly...
【美国《华人》传媒编辑 唐钊, 七月八日, 二零二二年】意大利热那亚——周四,有 59 人因 2018 年热那亚莫兰迪桥倒塌而受审,他们被指控犯有过失杀人罪和其他罪名,造成 43 人死亡。(倒塌的莫兰迪桥图片来自美联社)
$12 Million Available from County for Affordable, Supportive Housing Units
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 7, 2022】Per County of San Diego Communications Office, if you can acquire, build or rehabilitate affordable housing units, you may qualify for a loan from the County to help. (Photo credit: County of San Diego Communications Office)
Housing and Community Development Services...
All taxpayers should familiarize themselves with the Taxpayer Bill of Rights
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao,July 7, 2022】As an ongoing effort to enhance our valuable service to We Chinese in America website readers, We Chinese in America website posts English and Chinese versions of “IRS News Release” , “IRS Fact Sheets”, and “tax tips”...
US Air Force Pilot Shortage Worsen by COVID 19
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 6, 2022】The Air Force has been struggling with pilot shortages for years now. (US Air Force fighter Pilot. Photo Credit: Business Insider)
Former Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein testified before congress in 2017 about a shortage of aviators, writing in 2016 that the situation...
West Point Leadership Being Challenged
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 5, 2022】A letter authored by “Concerned Graduates of West Point and The Long Gray Line claimed,” protesting against mandatory vaccinations, CRT classes, sanitary conditions, progressive political activism, and other “woke actions,” in the military academy. “The Long Gray Line”...
Pfizer Recalls Blood Pressure Medications
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 4, 2022】Recently, Pfizer recalled three prescription blood pressure medications for elevated levels of a different type of nitrosamine.(Image credit : NPR)
Recalled blood pressure medications
Accupril (Quinapril HCl Tablets), 10 mg
Take Care to Secure, Calm Your Pets During Fireworks
【《We Chinese in America》Media Editor Tang Zhao, July 2, 2022】Per County of San Diego Communications Office, every year, dozens of dogs end up at shelters after Fourth of July fireworks shows. (The festive pit bull is festooned for the Fourth of July holiday. Photo by Shutterstock.
If you’re lucky, your dog doesn’t react to the explosions and shrill...