(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 24, 2022) The Oakland robber broke into the Chinese restaurant in broad daylight and robbed at gunpoint. An 80-year-old...

【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年01月24】 2022年1月20日星期四,对居住在纽约州长岛的73岁的祖母简来说是一个不寻常的繁忙的一天。

【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年01月23】载有三百名游客和四百名工作人员的豪华游轮水晶交响乐号(Crystal Symphony)原计划于周六达到该次游程的目的地:迈阿密,却在上周三突然改变航程驶向巴哈马群岛。这次水晶交响乐号游轮改变航程并非气候或疫情的原因,而是在躲避被美国法警扣押的命运。

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 23, 2022) When the epidemic is serious, many people will spray alcohol to disinfect, but if the wrong spray is used, it may...

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 23, 2022) The number of flights back to China has plummeted, and air tickets have soared. (Photo from pexels) In...

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 23, 2022) The IRS clarified that the news was "grossly wrong" when the media said that users of the IRS online tool were...

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 23, 2022) When the official opening of the federal free registration line for home testing reagents, the Post Office has...


美国交通部周五表示,将暂停四家中国航空公司从美国飞往中国的 44...

(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 22, 2022) This wave of Omicron virus is extremely contagious. In the two years since the development of the new coronavirus...

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