(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 27, 2022) The latest foreign research points out that smoking may reduce the antibody concentration of the new crown...
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年01月27日】 19岁的大学生杰克·斯威尼(Jack Sweeney)是一位科技天才,不知为何,他对科技巨人特斯拉的老板马斯克产生兴趣,使用监控公开空中交通数据的机器人追踪马斯克私人飞机的行踪。他创建了一个推特账号,名为“埃隆·马斯克的喷气式飞机”(Elon Musk’s...
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 26, 2022) A Riverside burglar sneaked into the house and evaded the alarm system. (Photo from KTLA)
Several burglaries...
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 26, 2022) Meijer supermarkets in Michigan have begun distributing free N98 masks to the public to reduce the risk of...
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 25, 2022) Schwartz, the owner of a New Jersey-based company that operates residential care centers in 11 states across the...
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 25, 2022) The Supreme Court accepts a case of discrimination against Asian-American students in admissions applications....
【《华人》传媒编辑王惠豫2022年01月25日】 大学理事会今天(1月25日)宣布,SAT® Suite评估套件的考试将以数字化方式进行。
聖地牙哥北郡中文學校於1月23日,在北郡文教中心舉行戶外的即席演講比賽。參加比賽的學生有北郡中文學校AP班、Post AP班和學分四的學生,共16人報名。
(We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 24, 2022) The 9-year-old boy sighed that the snow shovel was "tired”, and the interview video unexpectedly became popular....
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