

A customer in Washington state stands in front of a supermarket shelf. (Associated Press) (We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang Zhao, January 11, 2022)Not long after 2022...

Omicron has led to a new wave of epidemics around the world. On the 10th, the number of Omicron hospitalizations in the United States once again exceeded the 140,000 mark, and it...

This year's tax filing season begins Jan. 14, and the IRS is reminding taxpayers to use electronic filing to avoid delays. (Reuters) (We Chinese in America Media Editor Tang...


2022 年报税季从1月24日开始;美国国税局概述了退税时间以及在4月18日报税截止日之前的注意事项 IR-2022-08,2022 年 1 月 10 日 华府 — 美国国税局宣布,全国报税季将于 2022 年 1 月 24 日星期一开始,届时国税局将开始接受和处理 2021 年纳税年度的税表。 个人报税的开始日期定为 1 月 24...

Maryland began distributing home test kits. The picture shows Montgomery County Library staff and volunteers preparing to distribute the kits. (European News Agency) We Chinese...

Canada's Chief Health Officer Theresa Tam called on the public to abandon cloth masks, saying that N95 masks can provide better protection. (Associated Press) (We Chinese in...


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